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According to theories of the cognitive learning process (Orun et al., 2016) and active learning (Zahay et al., 2017), students can learn better by doing something. I adopted this concept and encouraged students to use their own devices (iPhone, iPad, laptop, etc.) within the classroom to do quizzes, group work, or search information online, etc. The pedagogical framework of this concept can be demonstrated in Figure 6, which emphasise on the constructivism, cognitive social environment, and effective, efficient, engaging, adaptive, flexible and conversational technology. I found that student’ motivation, engagement, perceived performance have been improved. Moreover, variables of the level of their studies, age, and nationality do not have an impact on these results (Sun et al., 2017b). [A5: Engage in CPD and pedagogical research] [K3: How students learn] [K4: The use and value of appropriate learning technologies] [K5: Evaluating effectiveness of teaching] [V1: respect individual learner and diverse learning communities] [V2: Promote participation in higher education and quality]

Even though my research has found that student diversity does not have the impact on the effectiveness of the use of the smartphone as a learning tool within the classroom, diversity in students cannot be ignored, as discussed in Section A-1.2. I felt personalised learning helps students to make transitions, adapt into the new environment, and make procession on their continuing personal profession development (Sun et al., 2017a). However, as outlined in the Figure above (hyper link of the original source is provided for this image, you can just click on the image), when the technology is deeply embedded into the curriculum design, “Ethics of Care” will be the fundamental strategy for implementing the inclusive design of technology enhanced learning model. The lecturer has to be attentive, competent, responsible, and responsive to students’ needs. [A5: Engage in CPD and pedagogical research] [K3: How students learn] [K4: The use and value of appropriate learning technologies] [K5: Evaluating effectiveness of teaching] [V1: respect individual learner and diverse learning communities] [V2: Promote participation in higher education and quality].

Nevertheless, when this personalised Smart learning environment is implemented with 24-7 social media support, some students still felt difficulties to engage in the class or outside the class. According to the focus group results, one student at HE5 indicated that:

“I know I am lazy, I just do not want to do it. Why should I push myself so hard, when life is so short…”

Another student at HE7 suggested that:

“I cannot do study when I am at home or at work. I have a responsibility to my family and work commitment. I hope I can get more funding to actually have some time off to study”.

These kind students are unable to be actively engaged like the others appear to be due to their own understanding of personal development and life. They prioritised their entertainment, family, and job than their achievements in academia. Moreover, I also found these kind students usually needed improvement with their time management skills and study skills. However, students felt they do not have time to attend skill training because they are struggling to cope with the current modules. [K3: How students learn] [K4: The use and value of appropriate learning technologies] [K5: Evaluating effectiveness of teaching] [V1: respect individual learner and diverse learning communities] [V2: Promote participation in higher education and quality]

Due to these reasons, flipped classroom is provided to help more likely poorly-performed students to catch up during their outside class hours and to be more confident in the class, and encourage the other students to learn more outside class via the use of narrative PowerPoints, YouTube videos, TED videos, personalised reading material that identified by me for each student’s project. The attendance, attainment, motivation, engagement, satisfaction was enhanced after this was adopted during 2016-17 semester 2. I am looking for adopting this pedagogy into all my modules as well as the academic support for Chinese students by using my recorded videos/slides of how to prepare exams, assessments, taking notes, write CVs, dissertations, etc. [A5: Engage in CPD and pedagogical research] [K3: How students learn] [K4: The use and value of appropriate learning technologies] [K5: Evaluating effectiveness of teaching] [V1: respect individual learner and diverse learning communities] [V2: Promote participation in higher education and quality]


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